The American Chamber of Commerce organized the General Assembly Meeting with the presence of the American Ambassador, Mr. Donald Lu, Minister of Economy, Mr. Ahmetaj, Board of Directors and the majority of its members.

This year’s meeting was held on a new and professional format, starting with a discussion about the annual AmCham Business Index, which was introduced by its compiler Mr. Benard Shehu (KonSort). Ambassador Lu and Minister Ahmetaj commented on ABI, and its significance for the domestic economy and foreign investment. They encouraged the American Chamber to be active and play its role in creating an optimal environment for business.

This year, at the General Assembly Meeting members voted for the position of President and a Board Member. At the end of the voting process, Mr. Mark Crawford was re-elected as President and Mr. Agim Bekaj from Microsoft Albania was elected as a Board Member.

American Chamber of Commerce deeply thanks its members for their active participation and contribution to realizing a successful General Assembly Meeting.

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