AmCham organized the training on Customs Procedures

The American Chamber of Commerce held a training with the Customs Specialists to give the opportunity to the members to meet directly with the customs administration.Ms. Alketa Uruçi, Chair of the Committee of Tax & Customs, thanked the customs representatives, emphasizing that in this meeting were present the best officials of the Customs who are highly experienced to give all the needed information and to answer to all the issues brought by the members.

Ms. Mirela Meko, Head of the Directory of Foreign Affairs and EU Integration that also covers the business relations, requested that these meetings should be organized more often as the best way to have an institutional dialogue and the best way to discuss problems face to face.

The representatives of Customs administration, the Head of the Methodology Sector, Mr. Sulejman Çela, the Head of Origin Sector, Directory of Tariffs and Origin, Mrs. Flutura Shehi, the Head of the Sector of Procedures, Mr. Naum Dushku, from the Directorate of Procedures and Specialist of the Tariff Sector, Mr. Gerti Gorenca for about two hours discussed with AmCham members all the issues they face in their business relationship with customs and specifically on customs evaluations, procedures and tariff setting.

About the Author admin

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