The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania published today the “Investment Agenda 2021”, a package of 40 recommendations to the Government and the New Parliament targeting the rapidly improving Business Climate.

Through a thankful letter, the President of AmCham, Mr. Enio Jaço praised the high contribution of the members, in identifying the challenges that obstruct the way of doing business. Jaço requested that members continue to be involved in the work process for the implementation of the recommendations to concrete legislation for the new Parliament.

The Investment Agenda is the result of the work of the last 10 months, where the American Chamber conducted a series of surveys with its members, followed by technical analysis of experts, to improve the investment climate. Members’ perceptions and findings are confirmed and consistent with findings raised by well-known international reports.

The 40 specific recommendations in the report are organized into 8 foundations of improving the business climate by anticipating the challenges, solutions, and new opportunities that are created.

The agenda seeks a contemporary strategy for the successful attraction of foreign investment, implemented and monitored by the highest levels in Government. The strategy should identify priority sectors and create incentives for their development, without bureaucratic procedures. An adamant stand against corruption with real sanctions against abusers and transparent monitoring of accountability is important for building public credibility. The recommendations aim to create a transparent, effective system without political influence on Public Procurement as well as to guarantee effective, comprehensive Public Consultation.

The recommendations aim at economic growth by addressing specific elements of the economy. The modernization of the tax system is considered vital for increasing competition and formalizing regional investments. Albanian exports represent new opportunities in the post-pandemic period, which promotes the necessity of developing the digital economy, where Albania must create a modern legal framework. Creating a dynamic economic system requires new skills in human resources for which the Government and the private sector must engage together in the rapid and targeted growth of the skills of the workforce.

The implementation of these recommendations guarantees the construction of a dynamic business climate and the transformation of Albania into a competitive country in the region. The American Chamber will be ready to offer its assistance in translating the recommendations into legislation while continuing the dialogue with all political and institutional parties with the launch of the new Parliamentary Session.

At the link here find the full report with recommendations of the Investment Agenda 2021.

About the Author Brikena

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