Elvis Kotherja, Chairman of the Tourism Committee at AmCham, spearheaded the discussions of the day, focusing on the standardization of job roles and professional qualifications. Highlighting the pivotal role of Human Resources Departments, Elvis Kotherja, also CEO of Elite Travel, underscored their significance in shaping efficient company structures by delineating clear job profiles and facilitating successful recruitments. These departments serve as robust pillars supporting the smooth and prosperous functioning of the company.

Joining the discourse was Etleva Gjelaj, AFP Management Director at AKPA, who engaged participants in a dialogue on the business’s role in defining qualifications for various positions. This collaborative effort aims to assist the National Agency for Qualifications and Skills in crafting precise job profiles, articulated within ISCO systems using codes and ESCO via competencies.

Ms. Gjelaj informed attendees about the National Agency of Qualifications and Skills’ initiative to establish Committees, comprising business representatives from priority sectors such as tourism, construction, energy, and ICT. These Committees, in tandem with the Agency’s experts, will facilitate the standardization of job roles across these sectors, aligning them with the requisite qualifications.

During the conversation, Mr. Kotherja actively engaged participants in discussing their collective role in curriculum development for vocational schools and university systems. Collaboration between businesses and educational institutions is deemed indispensable in a time where the job market demands not only human resources but also individuals equipped with sector-specific qualifications.

About the Author Brikena

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