The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania celebrated the 246th anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America at a reception at the Tirana International School campus with the attendance of U.S. Ambassador to Tirana Yuri Kim, AmCham President Enio Jaço as well as members of AmCham and the American community in Albania.

“The 4th of July is one of the most popular holidays at AmCham, and it is celebrated by the Albanian and American communities, serving as a strong connecting bridge in the friendship and culture of our two peoples — celebrating the values ​​of American democracy and the democracy to which we all aspire,” AmCham Executive Director Neritan Mullaj said in his remarks to the guests at the reception.

Echoing comments on development of strong relations with the United States in her remarks, U.S. Ambassador Kim focused on economic cooperation and developments that will bring prosperity to Albania and its people. With its 225 members who employ 38,000 people, AmCham Albania is one of the examples that the economy is developing and the impact of the justice reform is being felt, she noted.

Speaking about the holiday and its meaning, AmCham Albania President Jaço said: “For me it is more than just a holiday. This AmCham celebration reminds me of the true values ​​that we stand for as a community. First of all, we are different. We are not just a business association, we are a true community – American companies large and small that came to Albania and found a home and never left; but also Albanian companies, which found value and were connected to trade and friendship with American partners. But today we are also proud to celebrate with friends and families — just like one big family.”

The event had many elements of a typical American celebration —  food, entertainment for children, selected music and a proper 4th of July fireworks show — giving Americans and Albanians an opportunity to celebrate together the memory of a historic day for the United States.

AmCham gives a special thanks to all those AmCham members that with their support and generosity make possible the realization of such a magnificent celebration.

About the Author Brikena

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