November 21, 2017

PwC speaks on employee evaluation and motivation

Employee evaluation and motivation is a powerful tool in the hands of HR departments to develop the performance of the company. How this process takes place and what the managers focus on were elaborated by Rolanda Duro, Human Capital Leader for Albania and Kosova, at PricewaterhouseCoopers’s premises on the fifth day of the HR Open Forum.

The session was of great interest and the attending members asked many questions on how to carry out evaluation, its components and also its outcome.

Mid-term evaluations and year-end evaluations are carried out with the goal of enabling professional growth and development of the employees and also help them fulfill their career goals by monitoring their performance. “Employees are the driving force in their career path” – this is the philosophy on which a successful company develops its evaluation and motivation approach.

During the session participants had the opportunity to learn from some of the best practices that successful companies apply for a motivation that enhances employees’ performance, growth and engagement in the workplace.

About the Author admin

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