HR Open Forum Days: Boga & Associates and Telekom Albania share their experiences with AmCham members

HR Open Forum Days have returned at AmCham Albania with new topics, which represent a challenge for HR departments. Boga & Associates and Telekom Albania shared their experiences with AmCham members focusing on issues that stem from the Labor Code as well as Health and Safety and at work.

The Labor Code and its impact on employer-employee relations is a highly demanded topic of discussion by the HR experts. Members of AmCham once again addressed with Mrs. Jonida Skëndaj from Boga & Associates, the most sensitive issues encountered in labor relations. The discussion focused also   on disciplinary measures, salaries-in-kind, vacation time and court settlements.

Amendments to the Labor Code have created a new perspective on employer-employee relations. Both parties have rights and obligations, which must be implemented rigorously. HR departments play an essential role in the smooth development and consolidation of these relations.

Meanwhile, Telekom Albania focused on the elements of Health and Safety at work and certification of all indicators that create a friendly and healthy environment for employees. Considering employees as the strongest asset of a company, Telekom Albania is investing heavily in creating working conditions that optimize employee’s productivity and, thus, they shared their best practices with their peers.

Telekom’s experts spoke about the Safety Management Certificates that they have received, and which set the work standards at the contemporary European levels. The whole process starts with the identification of job positions status and is followed by a detailed analysis, to proceed later with control and improvement of the working conditions.

Please see the upcoming edition of our The Advantage magazine for more information on these events.

Boga & Associates

Telekom Albania

About the Author admin

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