The American Embassy in collaboration with AmCham Albania organized a workshop for members of the permanent group of the Corporate Social Re sponsibility (CSR) Committee. This workshop focused on the value of volunteerism and the positive impact of CSR for companies.

The workshop was led by Ms. Susan Stroud, who discussed with the permanent members of the CSR Committee, the values of CSR activities, various ways of cooperation between businesses, NGO’s and Government entities, as well as the current state of CSR activities in Albania.

The discussion was followed by a lunch and networking reception, hosted by the American Ambassador. Members of the CSR Committee had the opportunity to interact with the invited representatives of about 10 NGO’s through a speed-networking arrangement, in which two NGO’s were paired initially with two businesses to talk about how they could work together to help and serve their communities.

After a few minutes, the NGOs rotated to the next table to talk to two other businesses and this was repeated until all NGOs had spoken and interacted with every business represented.

Addressing his greetings and welcome to the permanent members of AmCham’s CSR committee and the NGO representatives, Ambassador Lu emphasized the importance of Social Responsibility and how valuable it is for society.



About the Author admin

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